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Twickenham Swans FC - a new football club for women who've never played before or may have done in the past. Just like its younger equivalent Twickenham Cygnets FC, our Swans offer is fully inclusive offering everyone an opportunity to learn and play football in a fun and welcoming environment.
Never played before? Now's you chance. Used to play? Welcome back. Just keen to know more about the game your child may play? That's great too. Twickenham Swans FC is open to everyone with no age limits.
Welcome to the team.
Twickenham Swans FC
Twickenham Swans FC
Tuesdays or Thursdays
Tuesdays: 8.30-9.30pm
Thursdays: 7.30-8.30pm
Venue: Orleans Park School, Astro Pitch, Richmond Road, Twickenham. TW1 3BB
*Timings subject to change. Any changes will be communicated in advance.
What do I need to play?
-A basic level of fitness. (If not, you'll soon get there).
-Basic sports kit. Trainers or astros should be worn. No studded boots please.
-Shin pads should be worn for all sessions.
-A sense of humour.
Signing up..
Please register here. We operate in blocks of 5, 6 or 7 weeks. Sessions don't take place during half-term weeks. New players are welcome to join at any time.
Joining in..
New players are welcome to join at any point and are entitled to a FREE Try-out session. Please contact if you wish to come along.
Switching sides..
Can't make your usual Tuesday or Thursday session one week? No problem. Simply come along to the other session that week.
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